Not only are the adults getting busy and stressing over their work but kids are facing the same problems. The online classrooms are making studies quite stressful for the kids plus the kids are also not able to go out and have fun. If they are using screens for the whole day then why not make the best out of it and make them a little happy and in a good mood. There are various online activities to involve the kids in that offer multiple benefits The best way of making them busy is creating an escape game virtually and putting in teams to solve them. You can create an escape game online with the help of Google forms and many other quiz making websites. The kids need a getaway from the classics and make way for something more innovative and imaginative. They can also make their own escape games if they are interested in it. Teachers and parents can make it for their students and children. It can be used to aid their study too or you can just have them for virtual team building activities that allows them to loosen up.
Some of the benefits they get when playing an escape game:-
● Increase the Speed of Decision-Making
● Problem-Solving
● Absorb Information in a Fun Way and Improve Creativity
● Grasps Children’s attention
● Increase Memory
● Inspire them for making new Interests.
4 Things to remember while making an escape game
1. Story line
Your escape game should have a grasping content and quality that makes the children needy to play
more and learn more. If you are not able to make a story it is easier to find one on google and arrange
clues and puzzles according to it.
2. Time limit
Try putting in some time limit say 1 hour or 30 minutes so that kids have their adrenaline pumping are
excited to solve through the time. If you are making this escape game for the kids who are middle school
you can give them more time compare to the teenagers.
3. Study material
You can put in stories according to their syllabus so when they play the games, they take something out
of it. This will make the game more fun and they will be able to learn important lessons. For example, if
you want your child to try math make an escape game involving numbers ad calculations or rather if
she/he has interest in English literature try searching for classics stories and make them play it and it will
help them too.
4. Helping
If you are making an escape game, put some factors that will make them succeed and will motivate them
through the game and also try helping if they get stuck so that they don’t lose focus. Helping them will
make them better at many things in life.
These are some tips that will help you make an impeccable escape game that your children will love. If
they love it try to make more, and help them in making their escape game for their friends. If you want
to know how to make an escape game you can find many videos that can help you with it. Google forms
doesn’t only offer options to make quizzes but also helps you to make different types of worksheets and
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